A Goldfish Documentary
2013, Digital Video, 8 minutes
Directed, Produced, and Edited by Elizabeth Stehling and Steve Snell
Music by Mark Rice and Eric Kocher
How does one transport goldfish across the country in a safe way that won't spill water all over the car and will be safe for the well being of the fish? A Goldfish Documentary tells the story of Noodles and Tony P, two small goldfish from the Great Plains of Nebraska, and their journey to the hamlet of Wassaic, NY.
A Goldfish Documentary is the first collaborative short film by artists Elizabeth Stehling and Steve Snell.
Special thanks to
The Wassaic Project.
On-the-Go Goldfish
Created by Elizabeth Stehling and Steve Snell
It is a wooden goldfish travel box designed to contain a small fishbowl. A lid can go on top to prevent splashes when on-the-go.