A Hey for 4
2011, Digital Video
3 minutes, 26 seconds
A Hey for 4 examines the individual's abilities for expression while limited to the movement of the group. Multiple pairings and group dynamics present different identifications of self as single as well as communal. The dancers respond to my directions and the music, all while attempting to repeat only one endless, weaving, contra dance movement called the "Hey."
Written and Directed by:
Elizabeth Stehling
Christi Garland, Lynne Holcombe, Caleb Smith, Jordy Williams
Camera: Valdas Kotovas
Editor: Elizabeth Stehling
Sound: Benjamin Murray, Elizabeth Stehling, Jennie Wakefield
Dance Consultant: Jennie Wakefield
Production Assistant: Erin Moore
Producer: Elizabeth Stehling
Filmed at River Falls Lodge, South Carolina; August 2011
Special thanks to Wayne Richard and Harvest Moon Folk Society of Greenville, South Carolina, River Falls Lodge, and the contra dance community of the Carolinas.